Sunday, 20 February 2011

Meadows and bees quilt {top done}

In my last Stash Note No 4 I reported on the wonderful 'Honey Bee' collection by Michael Miller.
And although I should have  been working on my Single Girl Quilt and the Mug Rugs I couldn't resist to start a quilt with this collection. My love with half square triangles contiues. The collection has a lot of white in it which made the choice of contrasting fabric easy. I don't often use brilliant white or any white for that matter in quilts as I find it to harsh a contrast and particular when there is no white in the fabric. But it works perfect here.

There is something so beautiful and coherent about this collection. Often I find that collections may work well within their colour choice but not regarding the pattern or visa versa but this one works really well in all areas.
I will quilt it in straight lines but that may have to wait a little as I really really have to get on with the Mug Rugs.......

The fabric was bought at Hawthorn Threads


  1. Mmn, I Really like this quilt Judith. I'm still not keen on half square triangles (having made a quilt similar to yours) but Love the effect :-)

  2. Your HST quilt is great! Looks crisp and graphically inviting!

  3. This is lovely! Your name fits very well, it has a woodsy/natures look to me :)


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