Those in the know will spot that it is a pineapple quilt pattern. This is one of those patterns that I have had long on my quitting list but resisted for a long time because most of the foundation pieced versions out there are too small and fiddly for my liking. But it's still such an attractive block to make that I decided to make my own pattern to suit my needs and those of my students of course. My version is quite big and just shy of 12 inches square (so you can still print on A3) which makes the whole process easier and more enjoyable.

This quilt is the 2nd in my seasonal quilt series that I started some two years ago with "Spring Greens" . My aim with this little series is to create four distinct quilts each inspired from a season. For me Spring is a riot of greens and Summer has always been yellow in all its glorious shades and that is what I try to show with my "A long hot Summer's day quilt. The pineapples in the quilt are all created from a variety of solid yellows whiles the patterned areas are created from every single yellow piece of fabric I have in my stash. This is by the way an ideal pattern to get rid of stash and offcuts.

If you want to to learn how to foundation piece pineapple pattern quilt blocks then join me for a Saturday worth of quilting and fun at the Village Haberdashery in West Hampstead.