Monday, 16 May 2016

A Cosmic Summer Sweater

On Sunday I finished my Cosmic Sweater and wore it right away on Monday to work. My colleagues are well used to me wearing a LOT of colour. I think it is fair to say, although I work in the City that I do not comply to the dark suit uniform ( I also have a yellow suit and love wearing it).

The wool is 100% Peruvian cotton from the lovely people from Wool and the Gang  and is super, super soft. I used to knit a lot with Cotton years ago but have never come across such soft fabric before. And the yellow! What can I say about this yellow? It is the yellowest of the yellow you can find and just brings joy (called yellow Brick Road)

The pattern is all from the Gang and was very easy to follow and accurate. 

The only changes I made to is was using a kitting needle of 6 instead of 6.5 as I felt this would get to loose and I chose the knit side as my front rather than the purl side. I just think it looks a bit more finished.

I love the way the hems are rolled ( I rolled them to the outside) and the entire sweater is sewn together with (more or less) invisible stitches to reduce bulk which I think is quite clever.

What's great about the sweater is that I can wear it with just a bra under it or with a contrasting vest and I look instantly dressed either way.

Am rather tempted to make another one but there are so many different patterns that are just as attractive.


  1. Fabulous sweater...i love it! I was going to make a black one but i might go for yellow now!

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