Tuesday, 5 January 2016

A touch of denim - first part of a new quilt

But before I get into sharing the beginning of my first quilt oh the year, I would like to wish every body a happy 2016 filled with much wonderful crafting and quilting.

Usually on New Year's day I go very early for a long run. I love the solitude of this particular morning run and if I do meet a fellow runner both of us know right away we are running on that day for the same reason. Sadly I could not run this year as I was still in throws of a nasty cold virus. So I did the next best thing, I started a new quilt in between naps and watching way to much television.

In June 2014 I bought several shades of denim/grey fabric in double cloth from Purl Bee.  It was featured on their blog crafted into attractive shoe bags which I really loved. The fabric is double sided and I hadn't realised that what Purl Bee called 'double cloth' was in fact double gauze as I attributed the 'double cloth' name to the fact that it was double sided. When the fabric arrived I was surprised but not disappointed but thought immediately that this fabric was much to precious for shoe bags (although I do love each pair of my shoes of course and they deserve great bags....) and should be made into the softest of quilts.

So fast forward 18 months (why does time fly so dam fast) and here is the start of a my denim quilt. My original thought was to simply cut the half meter pieces I had into large squares and randomly piece these together. But then that was a little to simple for me and decided on large HSTs instead. This also serves the propose of being a sample quilt for my new advanced quilting class at the Village Haberdashery in February/March next year (it is fully booked already but I would be happy to schedule with Annie a new class if there is interest).

I have sewn frequently with double gauze over the recent years but only ever for shirts (see here, here and here) but never used it for a quilt. The fabric is fairly stretchy and as HSTs there is a danger that is stretches to much so I was at pains to sew these together as quickly and carefully as possible.

Right now I have a quilt top that is about 60" square but I want to add borders with smaller HSTs and some yarn dyed essex linen in denim to make it a little bigger and it will break up the "monotony" of the HSTs a bit.


  1. can't wait to see the quilt, will you be bringing it to the LMQG? Like you I have only ever used this type of cloth for clothing, as it so wonderful to wear and a quilt will be equally as tactile to curl up under.

  2. Love those fabrics! This will be a beautiful quilt.

  3. What a nice surprise, and it looks soft and lovely! I'll be curious to see the backing too....

  4. Love this! I am getting ready to make a large HST quilt too and was wondering what size your HST units finished up to be?


Thank you for your comments! I love reading them and will answer every question you have on my projects. But I have a very busy daytime job and am therefore not able to thank each and every comment. Please don't be offended if I won't reply.