Monday, 5 January 2015

A Linden Sweatshirt for me

Well hello everybody and a very happy New Year to you all. How about some sewing? I am pretty much starting the New Year as I finished the old one which is by sewing and what better past time is there (apart from photography).

Long time readers will know by now that I have developed a fondness for double gauze. In 2013 I made myself a Tova from a Nani Iro double gauze cloth and in 2014 I made myself a Shearwater Kaftan also from a gorgeous piece of double gauze and these past days I have made myself a Linden Sweatshirt from the most sumptuous dark indigo Nani Iro double gauze.  I love this fabric because it is so soft and light and breathable and is simply the best thing to wear on a warm summers evening. It is fairly thick but lets the air through and is perfect for humid climates. I know our summers are short but I love wearing my double gauze casuals then and as I am going to a warm place soon I needed of course a new one.

So meet the latest edtion to my growing collection:

The Linden Sweatshirt pattern  is from Grainline Studios and is a fairly new. I was delighted when I spotted it because I love raglan sleeves. They are just the most flattering. The pattern is easy to follow (I downloaded the digital version) and the sweatshirt was done in less than two hours.

The pattern itself is designed to use knitts which is the obvious choice for a sweatshirt. This forced me to make a few small changes for the double gauze. I zickzacked all edges as double gauze does fray and used a biased strip for the neck binding. And I obviously did not add any ribbing to the arms and hem.

I bought this fantastic double gauze with the wonderful name 'Nuance in Muji Viol' at the Village Haberdashery and I saw that Annie recently announced in her newsletter that she ordered he entire Cotton&Steele double gauze 'Bespoke' collection which will arrive in January.  Annie also has the Linden Sweatshirt paper pattern in stock for those who don't want to puzzle it together from the digital version (it can be a drag....).

I think the next project I will attempt with double gauze are short Summer PJs and maybe another Sweatshirt ?


  1. i'd never have thought of using gauze instea of jersey, it looks brilliant and will be perfect for your hols!

  2. Double gauze is the best! Will have to look into this pattern, it looks great!


Thank you for your comments! I love reading them and will answer every question you have on my projects. But I have a very busy daytime job and am therefore not able to thank each and every comment. Please don't be offended if I won't reply.