Saturday, 15 February 2014

Snowy Days quilt progress

Who would have thought that deciding on a quilt back could be such agony. I started this quilt before Christmas and had the most trouble I ever had deciding on a fabric for the back.

My thoughts ventures from a subtle text fabric such as one of the Architexture ones to a cloth I bought two years ago in the South of France to a rough old linen I bought in Dresden and then to a plain white only to get stuck somewhere on the return loop.

Then finally just before I went in holiday I decided on an Essex yarn dyed fabric that is a cotton/linen blend in the colour Flax (bought at the Village Haberdashery). A pricey option for sure but one that I am finally happy with.

It has a wonderful texture that feels like linen yet very soft and it is quite a heavy fabric which will make for a great winter quilt (never mind that we are moving toward Spring....well at some point anyway when we stop drowning here)

I will quilt in 1 inch spaced lines in a grid which will take foooor evvvvveeeeeeeerrrrr..... just as well that I love this part of the job.


  1. Lovely patchwork and the backing is a good choice!

  2. I am so inspired to make a neutral quilt like this one or your hexagons, your quilt is beautiful.

  3. Sophisticated quilt and it is going to be so luxurious when all quilted up!!!

  4. Such a classy choice... I was thinking bright and colourful but it is going to be amazing in your expensive choice xx


Thank you for your comments! I love reading them and will answer every question you have on my projects. But I have a very busy daytime job and am therefore not able to thank each and every comment. Please don't be offended if I won't reply.