Friday, 10 August 2012

Quilt-on-the-go for Ottilie

My lovely neighbors had their second child a few weeks ago. I think I was as exited about its arrival as they and hoped that it would be a girl. I already made a quilt for their youngest son when he was born eighteen months ago and of course rushed to make something for little Ottilie too.

Luckily neither my neighbors nor I are keen on pink for girls and I also know they love Dr. Seuss.
So I rummaged in my stash to find my leftover Dr. Seuss, fabric and a few hours later my 5th quilt-on-the-go was finished. I don't know but I think this is so far my favorite of them all.
 The back is again Kokka Trefle and this time with cute little Lions, castles, robots and all sorts from the Whizard of Oz.

Three more days of Olympic fun left. I went to the Gymnastics, Boxing and Volleyball this week which was all absolutely fantastic but I also got a rather horse voice from the very strongly air conditioned venues. I guess one can't have it all.

Have a lovely weekend all !


  1. Great quilt, you Olympic groupie you!

  2. Such a fun quilt. Aren't these characters on the back from the Wizard of Oz ? So cute :)

  3. Loving the Dr Seuss! What a fun quilt. Love the back - I haven't seen that fabric before but it is great x

  4. adorable! I just made one of these, this week!

    Amanda Rose

  5. Really lovely, and that backing print is wonderful!!

  6. VERY IMPRESSED !!! xxx

  7. That's a really fun quilt J! Fab gift! At least you can't shout at anyone for a while! Jxo

  8. Oh that is gorgeous!!! Love the front and the back :)


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