Sunday, 29 April 2012

stash Note 55

Happy Sunday everybody. It rained all day yesterday here (literally) and it looks like it is not going to be any different today. Normally that would make me rather furious but I will be spending most of today with the lovely Lucie Summers and members of the LMQG in a screen fabric workshop, so you can imagine I am not angry but rather overexcited like a toddler today. Still will it ever stop raining ?(oh yeah I forgot apparently we have a drought....).

 Today's stash note is a mixed bag of re-stash and new addition. These wonderful circles on linen are the re-stash and were bought from Stefanie Xu via Etsy.

And this utterly gorgeous pile of gingham was bought in Bremen in a shop near where my sisters lives and where I always pop in when I visit her. Sadly though they don't have an on-line facility.


  1. Loving the orange gingham in particular! Also love Bremen!

  2. Oh linen and circles together. I better get over there and get some!

  3. Oh love the circles! And screen printing all day with Lucie Summers? not jealous at all. really. honest....

  4. Oh I love gingham - wish I could wear a big orange dress made of it (and not look like a mad schoolgirl!) x

  5. oh what a lovely collection of fabric!! Those ginghams look such great quality :)
    Jessie, xo


Thank you for your comments! I love reading them and will answer every question you have on my projects. But I have a very busy daytime job and am therefore not able to thank each and every comment. Please don't be offended if I won't reply.