Saturday, 28 April 2012

Siblings Together V

It's Friday  Saturday and until the deadline of 15th May I will report every week on the progress of Log cabin quilt project for the 'Siblings Together' Project. If you haven't heard anything about it yet and wish to join in this great cause then you can read up on it in the flickr group, the charity itself, Lynn's blog or on my first and second post.

Over the past week I received two sets blocks; one from Colette and one from Jennie.
Thank you to all of you for your generosity.

The first set is from Colette who is also a fellow member of the London Modern Quilt guilt and the two of us with a few others are of to Lucie Summers tomorrow for a screen printing workshop (just to get  you all jealous.....) Anyway back to 'Siblings Together', Collette made these great striking blocks for the cause.

Colette's blocks
The second equally striking and colourful  set is from Jennie and if I wouldn't know it any better I'd say they have been working together on these as they are quiet similar in colour choices. These will work great together.

Jennie's blocks


  1. I am green! That's how jealous I am! Great blocks BTW!

  2. Its such fun seeing these blocks all flooding in!

  3. Yay for the blocks, and have an awesome time tomorrow - very jealous!

  4. Lovely blocks! I bet the printing workshop was fabulous - I saw your Summersville project on Lucie's blog, they're fabulous!


Thank you for your comments! I love reading them and will answer every question you have on my projects. But I have a very busy daytime job and am therefore not able to thank each and every comment. Please don't be offended if I won't reply.