Friday, 6 April 2012

Siblings Together II

Many of you will probably have heard by now of our sewing endeavors for the charity ' Siblings Together' which brings siblings together that have been separated through the UK care system in a summer camp in East London this year. Lynn, myself and many generous quilter are making and donating quilts for this camp.

You can find all the details on our flickr group, the charity itself, Lynn's blog or on my first post about 'Sibling Together'.

I volunteer to make quilts from received blocks and have been utterly overwhelmed by the positive response and the generosity of the quilting community.

Already this week I received 5 sets of blocks that I would like to share with you today !

The deadline for me to receive blocks is the 15th of May so still plenty of time if you fancy to joint us.
This thread will give you all the details to the blocks I would like to have.

I received the first set of lovely Pezze print blocks from Pennie last Sunday on our monthly LMQG meeting.
Aren't they fantastic ?

Pennie's blocks

Then over the week the postman brought almost every day a wonderful little parcel. Next of was Sigrun from Norway who is also German like me and also live abroad. Don't you just love those wellingtons ? Perfect for boys and girls alike.

Sigrun's blocks

The third package that fluttered into my house was from the Netherlands from Francis. I love the strong colors and contrast in these blocks.

Francis' blocks

The fourth parcel was from Emily who made two wonderful blocks for girls and two for boys. I am so please that you ladies also think about the boys.

Emily's blocks

And the last parcel that arrived was from Sheila who send me those fantastic richly colored blocks.

I want to thank each of you for your most generous contribution to the project. I will collect all blocks until the 15th of May at which point I will start assembling quilts.

And I will also do a weekly post with updates on the blocks so everybody know what's going on.


  1. there will be a lot of variety in the quilt(s) ! :-)

  2. These are wonderful, thank you so much again Judith for jumping in with two feet!

  3. Wow Judith you are bringing them in from far and wide!


Thank you for your comments! I love reading them and will answer every question you have on my projects. But I have a very busy daytime job and am therefore not able to thank each and every comment. Please don't be offended if I won't reply.