Sunday, 16 January 2011

Stash Note No 3

Ruby Star Rising has arrived and it is everything I hoped it would be: funky cool retro and super name it. Sure enough though now that I have it I don't want to cut into it (I knew this would happen). I think it is to precious for bags and the likes, perhaps not quite suitable for a quilt (mind one could do one showing off large panels) but very much wants to be made into clothes.

I used to make my own clothes a long time ago but could be persuated to give it a try again.

And I am thinking to do the Study Hall Skirt from Anna Maria Horner with the Ladies in Mustard fabric.
I think that would work well but I know I don't have enough fabric in one piece as 1 yard and 1/3 is apparently required and I only ordered a yard. Well the pattern hasn't arrived yet but usually they are rather generous in measurement or I use two fabrics.

Here are the pics:
Ladies in Mustard

Look at these pannels. Aren't they fabulous.

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