Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Once upon a time - a Far Far Away quilt in progress-

My brother and his girlfriend's first child was born a few days ago is taking her sweet time and I also wanted to say that the entire familiy is delirous with happiness but instead we are playing the waiting game. So that sentence will hopefully come in the next post.....

I already knitted a blanket for them but of course must make a quilt too. I still have a large stash of Far Far Away by Heather Ross from the collections she did a few years back for Kokka. These are the cotton/linen mix rather than the cotton weight collection that is being re-issued this months. 

I bought the entire collection of Far Far Away II at the time and made one quilt in the blue/grey colourway which is still one of my favourites of all time.  Originally I thought to make two more in the same pattern; one for each of the other colour schemes which are green/orange and purple/pink.

I love these gorgeous fairytale patterns and also love the cotton/linen mixture although I know most people prefer a 100% cotton. I decided on a bit of improvised piecing instead of squares and mixed the fabric with some of her other collections, some text prints and some Moda cross weave for contrast.
I just cut and pieced, cut pieced to my heart's content.

I tried to emphasis the fairy tale elements by fussy cutting around them although the pieces itself are all fairly large anyway.

This quilt is going to be crib size and I must say it is a real relieve to make something small for a change....I forgotten how quickly a quilt can be made.


  1. It looks beautiful! Get comfy waiting, these babies run to their own schedule. My sympathies to your brother's girlfriend, those last few weeks or days are a killer ;)

  2. these babies!! taking its own sweet time to get here... doesn't it know it has an eager audience WAITINGxx hope all goes well x

  3. Beautiful! Lucky baby when she arrives :)

  4. I love the Rapunzel towers and the fun washing lines too. x


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