Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Hope Valley - a finished quilt -

After much quilting and wrangling the 80" quilt through my trusted Horizon I finally finished my Hope Valley quilt and I am just as happy with it now, actually more than when I started. So get ready for a picture post of Hope Valley goodness.

Just to recap, the quilt is made using Denyse Schmidt Hope Valley collection and I used the pattern instructions from Faith from her Safari Moon fabric quilt.

 The quilt is 80" square which makes it easily king size. 

After much debating with myself regarding the design for the back I decided on a pieced quilt back which had the advantage that I could use spare squares from the front and I was also keen to emphasis the teal colour that is present in one of the smaller designs. The solid from the back is from Kona Cotton and is called 'Teal Blue'.

I quilted with my preferred stitch length of 4mm and used a 28 w Aurifil thread in a steal grey for the back and off white for the front. The quilting is fairly dense and I used 12 bobbins for it.

This is probably the second largest quilt I have ever made and I just about manged to baste it in my studio and it took forever but as much as I hate basting it needs to be done properly to make quilting a joy. And that it was, although it is even with the longish arm of the Horizon a lot of work and is best done in 1-2 hour sessions. 

Apart from the Kona Cotton on the back I only used Hope Valley in this quilt including the binding. The yello/green tone of the binding frames the grey patterned fabric around the edges wonderfully and also contrasts beautifiully with the teal on the back of the quilt.

I am rather happy that I finally used this precious fabric and the good news is that I still have plenty left for another ! 
Previous posts incluing measurments and maths can be found here and here
You can find this quilt in my Etsy shop


  1. oh this is so lovely! Hope Valley is something special and you certainly did it justice!

  2. Lucky person who gets two beautiful quilts for the price of one:-)

  3. Lovely! I like what you did with the back.


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