Tuesday 17 December 2013

Churn Dash Quilt class

You might remember that when I was working on this Churn Dash Quilt for my client that I hinted I would like to teach this wonderful pattern in a class at the Village Haberdashery.

Over the past couple of weeks Annie from the Village Haberdashery and myself have worked out the details  and the announcement has finally gone up on the Class section on Annie's shop.

The class will run over six evenings and will include a lesson on fabric, colour and of course on how to construct the block, piece, quilt and bind the quilt. Students can make the quilt in any size they wish and will receive a guide booklet at the end. So why not give yourself an early Christmas present or give somebody a hint that.....

The class is for intermediate sewists and quilters and will require students to do homework.


  1. Beautiful quilt and picture!

  2. Love a churn dash and your quilt looks beautiful

  3. Homework!! Yikes!! Hope the class goes well. Jxo

  4. It's a little far away, but, sounds like fun. I'll be teaching a beginning quilting class in January.

  5. The class is no use to me as I live in the North West but I likey likey that block - I've seen a fair bit with text fabric lately and I likey likey the look of it muchly :-)


Thank you for your comments! I love reading them and will answer every question you have on my projects. But I have a very busy daytime job and am therefore not able to thank each and every comment. Please don't be offended if I won't reply.