Monday, 25 November 2013

The double frame purse

It took me a little while to work out how to make a double pouch but after quite a bit of trial and error I managed it. The challenge was to use the same technique as with the normal pouches (i.e. to sew outer and inner(s) together by turning them inside out in an effort to keep a clean edge near the hinges).

I used the wonderful transistor radio print fabric from Melody Millers Ruby Star collection with a colour coordinated lining.

 This purse is fairly large with 4.5" length and 6" width and makes a really good money purse and can be found in the shop here.


  1. Rene made me one for a swap and I am in awe of the fabric gymnastics to make it!

  2. Perfect fabric. This Looks quiet complicted to glue without fixing your fingers in between ;-)


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