Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Grey cross - a progress update

The grey quilt is progressing well. I decided to keep it fairly simple with squares but still wanted to have a pattern so I decided on a plus quilt.

And this makes perfect sense in many ways as my uncle is a Veterinarian which means he is in the medical profession. And as the red cross is a symbol of medics I thought I could use this for a quilt pattern. You see cross = plus sign....it might be a bit of a stretch in terms of imagination....

But the most important thing is that I love the layout and the pattern. Whilst sewing I added another one of two fabrics for diversity like the Japanese grey tulip print you can see in the middle of the above photo and some Kona in ash.

I am off for some intense quilting.....


  1. This is such a beautiful collection of colours and prints, you've managed calming and masculine in one quilt! I bet he'll be over the moon with it :)

  2. I love what you have done with the greys, beautiful combination of the fabrics you have picked. Who would think that grey would make such a lovely quilt? Gorgeous!

  3. The patterns goes so well with the fabrics, looks fabulous!

  4. I love this quilt! the color combination is fabulous! Can I ask what size is each square?

  5. I love this quilt! the color combination is fabulous! Can I ask what size is each square?

  6. love it! i have just made a grey cross quilt with Minky on the back. Giving it to my partner for his birthday on wednesday.

  7. What an awesome grey quilt! It's such a perfect man quilt, you've done splendidly!


Thank you for your comments! I love reading them and will answer every question you have on my projects. But I have a very busy daytime job and am therefore not able to thank each and every comment. Please don't be offended if I won't reply.