Friday 21 December 2012

Merry Christmas

Let's pretend for a moment that I am not living on the northern hemisphere of our planet (did you notice that the world actually hasn't come to end over night !) but somewhere in the south where summer is in full swing. If you do that then I hope you appreciate my not so Christmas inspired images but I couldn't help myself and show you the cushion I made this week.

The fabric is from Laura Gunn's new Cosmos range. The panel is called 'Cosmos Suite' in Aqua and I bought one panel from Hawthorn Threads a while ago. Each panel has two images and it was just the perfect size for a 20 " cushion that desperately needed a new cover.

And with that I want to wish all of you lovely followers, regular commentators, occasional visitors, flickr, facebook and twitter followers  a very merry x-mas and happy new Year ! I have had a lot of fun with you this year and am very grateful for each comment and advice I received from you.

I might pop in here "between the years" for a little statistical update of 2012.
See and hear from you soon.



  1. Beautiful!
    Amanda Rose

  2. Lovely cushion - he perfect end to the year.
    Take care and have a lovely Christmas xxx

  3. I have that panel waiting to become the exact same thing. Happy holidays to you and all the best for the new year!


Thank you for your comments! I love reading them and will answer every question you have on my projects. But I have a very busy daytime job and am therefore not able to thank each and every comment. Please don't be offended if I won't reply.