Tuesday, 13 November 2012

A work in progress and another giveaway

Well, tis the time of the year to give..... This time the giveaway comes courtesy of the lovely Tina who owns my local quilt shop Tikki.
Tikki is so local that it takes me only 3 Minutes to get there. You could say way too local for the wallet. So you find me there most Saturdays for a chat with Corinne, Alison or Tina.

Tina gave me a fabric pack of Mod Century a week ago and I was totally smitten with it. This was just the fix I needed after the Liberty marathon. A burst of colour that got my brain bubbling right away. Aren't these colours gorgeous; the oranges paired with aqua and grey, just to die for.

And the best thing is that some of the prints have text as a background. Isn't that just fabulous ?

 So I put my thinking cap on and started planning. Soon I pulled out more and more text fabrics some neutral solids, some coloured solids and started stitching log cabin blocks.

I find piecing log cabin blocks very therapeutic. This little beauty here is waiting to be quilted and I can't wait to get on with it this week.

 How to enter this giveaway:

  • You must enter the giveaway on the Tikki on-line shop web page using this link (scroll down on the Tikki web page to the bottom until you get to the giveaway section) 
  • Do not leave a comment on this post to enter the giveaway as it won't count but you can of course leave a comment about anything else.....
  • The giveaway is open until the end of the months
  • The giveaway is restricted to UK resitdents
  • The giveaway winner will be announced on the Tikki web page and contacted by Tina
  • Good luck !!


  1. They really are fabulous fabrics! I could be very tempted! Your log cabin looks gorgeous Judith!

  2. What bright happy colours! Your log cabin looks amazing!

  3. Beautiful log cabin! And please can i come and live with you, I would love to be within half an hour of a great fabric shop like Tikki, so 3 minutes, i would be in heaven (and quite probably bankrupt!). Ange : )

  4. The log cabin blocks really show off the fabric. Di x

  5. Great fabrics...thanks for the info on the giveaway.

  6. Wow Judith that fabric is gorgeous! Its going to be a fab quilt.

  7. I love your quilt! I will go and enter at Tiina's website.

  8. I too love the text prints and the colours you have chosen with them are wonderful - can't wait to see the log cabin. Thanks for giveaway tip too.

  9. Hello!!
    Just joined you!
    And that quilt looks fab, Nice and bright to make you smile..

  10. bummer the giveaway is only for UK residents. I live just across the pond, doesn't that count???? :-)


Thank you for your comments! I love reading them and will answer every question you have on my projects. But I have a very busy daytime job and am therefore not able to thank each and every comment. Please don't be offended if I won't reply.