Tuesday 14 August 2012

Foks and Friends - a finished quilt

It took considerably less effort to finish this quilt than what the Olympic athletes had to come up with over the past two weeks. All it took was some time that I managed to find over the past weekend.

I don't want to uh and ah again about voile as I am sure it will bore you to tears by now but it really was such a pleasure again to work with this fabric despite the banana curve issue earlier when combining it with tana lawn. The softness is just out of this world. Jude and a few others suggested to actually start piecing strips from the middle which is not something I thought about and will definitely try when I make another effort combining these materials.

For now 'Folks and Friends' is finished and is every bit as gorgeous as I hoped it would be.

I quilted mostly in straight lines but added a Serpentine stitch here and there. Unfortunately the Janome Horizon doesn't have a nice programmed Serpentine stitch but I programmed one myself with the help of a splendidly written guide that can be found here (will also write a separate post about this in the next days).

The back is a vintage flower print from Liberty's of London that I bought as a remnant  piece at Shaukat last year.

For the binding I used Anna-Maria Horner's pastry print in toast (also voile) and was delighted to see that the colour matched perfectly with the back fabric.

The quilt measures 51" x 65" and is the perfect sofa-cuddle-size. It was quilted with Gueterman Sulky in silver/grey (no 1328) which blends wonderfully with this colour mix.

Folks and Friends can be purchase in my on-line ship here.


  1. Wow! The colors are so vibrant and beautiful. What an amazing finish.

  2. It's lovely Judith, but then I expect no less from you :-)

  3. Gorgeous! I never thought to make an entire quilt of voile... i bet it IS soft!
    Love it!

  4. beautiful beautiful beautiful!

    Amanda Rose

  5. What a beautiful blast of colour J! Love it! Jxo

  6. This is a beautiful quilt, I love all the details and I am off to read about programming a stitch for my machine, thank you.

  7. So cozy looking!! Pretty as can be with all the rich colors throughout.

  8. Love this, Gorgeous colours.


Thank you for your comments! I love reading them and will answer every question you have on my projects. But I have a very busy daytime job and am therefore not able to thank each and every comment. Please don't be offended if I won't reply.