Friday, 13 April 2012

Siblings Together III

It's Friday and until the deadline of 15th May I will report every week on a Friday on the progress of Log cabin quilt project for the 'Siblings Together' Project. If you haven't heard anything about it yet and wish to join in this great cause then you read up on it in the flickr group, the charity itself, Lynn's blog or on my first and second post.

Over the past week I received blocks again from all over the world; Canada, Australia and the UK. I absolutely love that this has turned into an international effort.

Thank you to all of you for your generosity.

This first set of great blocks came all the way from Australia and are from Kay. I just love the diversity of the blocks. 

Kay's blocks

These wonderful dotty and stripy numbers arrived from Kelly who is also a member of the LMQG. 

Kelly'a blocks

This third set of eight fantastic prints are from the lovely Leanne from Alberta in Canada. Again these are wonderfully diverse and gender neutral in every way.

Leanne's blocks

And set number 4 is from Rachel from here in the UK. Don't you just love the dogs !

Rachel's blocks


  1. ohhh lovely, I’ll send my blocks early next week!

  2. Nice to see this quilt grow!

  3. I'm so glad the blocks have arrived, it is very fun how many people are able to be a part of this initiative.


Thank you for your comments! I love reading them and will answer every question you have on my projects. But I have a very busy daytime job and am therefore not able to thank each and every comment. Please don't be offended if I won't reply.