Sunday, 29 January 2012

Stash Note 43

Aren't they handsome.....
I mean who can say no to such gorgeous man folk ?

Any suggestions to what use I could put those ? 
I was thinking a pillow maybe to put my weary head on, or a cover for my quilt scrap book.

I bought those two pieces of lushness from Alexander Henry's collection  'Heavy Equipment' (aptly named don't you think) from Fabric Inspirations here in the UK. 
Go and check them out they have a great selection of fabric and good choice of Sevenberry dots and stripes.


  1. great fabric! I think someone used something similiar in the mug rug and goodie swap last summer, but can't remember what was made with it

  2. You've got to smile at this fabric! An apron?

  3. made me laugh...I dont know WHAT to suggest you use it for!! Checked out the site...some very lushious fabrics xx

  4. What about a wall hanging for your sewing room? LOL I think an apron would be great idea. Do you have a male friend you could torment with a pillow?

  5. I somehow suspect those chaps are not interested in the ladies!!

  6. Oh my... just hopped over there, the wranglers and the firemen are equally hot! phew! :o)

  7. I hate to tell you this, but I think they're probably all gay. *Sigh* Great design though.


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