Sunday, 13 November 2011

Lotta fly away and other updates

I  wanted to thank everybody who so kindly helped with quilting suggestions of my  'Countdown to x-mas' quilt. I pondered each and every one for days on end until I had a revelation last Sunday while running (and I would not have had that without your help !). I finished the machine quilting part yesterday and moved on to some hand quilting which I really enjoy. Since I have my Janome Horzion I have done very little hand quilting but I guess this has more to do with the fact that before I had the Horizon I hand quilted each and every one of my very large quilts.  I think I was done with hand quilting for a while and I am rather delighted that I find pleasure in it again. But the big reveal of the finished quilt and the quilting pattern will have to wait a little while.

I hand quilt normally in front of the TV which means I need a project in parallel for the machine (as there is only so much TV watching one can do....). What better to do then to start a new quilt (what else really ..). I have been itching to cut into my stash of 'Echo' by Lotta Jansdotter.

Can you guess what it's gonna  be ?

Of now to another lap of Sunday morning running and then back to the sewing machine...bliss.


  1. I am so wanting to know what you are up to in this teasing post!

  2. I'm sure it'll be great, love the lotta :-)

  3. No idea what it's going to be but it'll be great!!

  4. Running - good on you - can't wait to see all these makes in full - love Lotta!

  5. are you making flying geese with triangles?? can´t wait to see more!! i impulsive-bought this fabric some weeks ago and can´t wait for it to come home to me :-)

  6. Hi, I'd like to invite you to post your giveaways on our giveaway directory: Giveaway Scout ( Please submit your blog here: Once you receive our confirmation email you can post your giveaways on our site. Thanks.


Thank you for your comments! I love reading them and will answer every question you have on my projects. But I have a very busy daytime job and am therefore not able to thank each and every comment. Please don't be offended if I won't reply.