Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Stash Note 18

Don't you just love blenders !

Look at this goodness from Patricia Bravo. The collection is called 'Oval Elements' and although this is quilt weight feels a lot more like voile. Striking colours and geometric elements.

 Isn't this orange here delicious.....I kinda want to bite into it.....might be a wee dry though.

All bought at Fabricworm.


  1. yum indeed but I think I'll stick to eating my breakfast! teehee Love the colours you have chosen they will look great but where are they going?

  2. These are lovely - they're also the type of fabric I have least of in my stash. I tend to go for bold prints or solds, but maybe I need to make a little room for the blenders too!

  3. Its a lovely bundle, really lush colours :-)

  4. I love that bundle! Just my style!


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