Saturday, 11 June 2011

Pincushion No 3

This one was made from Oakshotts' Lyon collection that I bought a while ago. I had some scraps lying around as I was thinking to use it in my Single Girl quilt but decided against it in the end.

Oddly enough it is very satisfying to make a pincushion. Is that weird ?
This one is on its way to Fiona from my Brit Bee group.


  1. Eeek! I was just admiring your beautiful pincushion on Flickr and then I come here and see it's on it's way to me! Thankyou so much it's beautiful!!!
    And I find pincushions very satisfying to make too :)

  2. Funny you say that because a pincushion is high up on my list of things to make because I don't actually own one. How silly is that?! Fiona is a lucky duck. The one you just made is lovely.

  3. V.cute! I love making pincushions too - so satisfying, and using up scraps is always satisfying for me.

  4. Lovely - I've been cruising the Oakshott site all day!

  5. You make the cutest pin cushions! Another great job. Fiona is a lucky lady.


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