Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Laugh and happiness quilt (formerly known as Monochromatic Dresden)

I have rename this quilt to 'Laugh and Happiness quilt' inspired by the writing on the fabric and because Monochromatic Dresdens really sounds a bit Ueberposh. Last weekend I managed to finally get to terms with the Dresdens from Lynn's QAL. I had sewn the ring together some two weeks ago but that was to soon after finishing the Single Girl quilt and I sort of couldn't face this one. I needed to have something easy and fresh to do in between which is why I started the Springtime Quilt. Sometimes I think quilting is a bit like eating. When I eat something really spicy or savoury then I grave something sweet afterwards and visa versa. This I think is to balance out the flavours  or some other process that is going on in ones (maybe only my) body. And quilting it is a bit like that (for me anyway). If I make something really colourful with strong bold colours (i.e. very strong flavoursome food) then I grave to make a quilt with lighter brighter colours afterwards (i.e. eat something light like fruit).  Now, that is not to say that the Pure fabric from Sweetwater is heavy because it isn't but it isn't light either. I wonder if this is just me being very weird or does anybody else feel that way too about foot and quilts ?

So last weekend was the weekend to get back to the Dresdens and I did that with gusto. It was much easier than anticipated. At first when I finished the circle it didn't lay flat so I was a bit concerned that I did something wrong with the templates but then I stitched some of the pieces with a more generous seam allowance and this did the trick. The inner circle and outer proofed little problem then and the whole thing lays pretty flat now. I think what makes it standing out is the half inch sashing as it really frames the block fantastically. I absolutely love this block and it took me by surprise how beautiful it is. I am going to make 4 in total for a sofa sized quilt but the remaining three have to wait until I return form the US.
Please no detention Lynn !

Happy sewing


  1. I love your Dresden circle, it works really well! And, if it helps, I totally get what you mean! I find I get "quilted out" at times and need a small, easy, pretty project to recover my energy :-)

  2. Oh that looks really great and the writing just makes it really special - I would be really proud of that!

    Food & quilts - bonkers, but I think you are on to something!

    The US?!?!?!?!? Not fair - bet you come back with a suitcase of fabric!! Have fun x

  3. Oh be careful if Lynne puts you in detention you never know who she will throw in there with you. Some people get George Clooney, others get Danny DeVito! Not cool!

  4. Your dresden is wonderful! I so love this fabric and you have done such a nice layout. I expect that I am going to be thinking of food a fair bit while quilting now - I am not sure if that is good or not.

  5. You're spot on with your food / quilting analogy! I thought it was just me being restless and fickle!

  6. Your Dresden circle is awesome. I love that line of fabric!


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