Sunday, 20 November 2016

Shades of Green - part 2-

It's been a while and it certainly isn't Spring any more but my inspiration is certainly at the moment in that season. This weekend I finished the quilt top I started back in June.

And the colours make me smile and inject a dose of much needed happiness (so did by the way "Fantastic Beast and where to find them" that I watched Friday night !). There are so many Spring and a few deeper Summer greens in this quilt, all of which not so much take me back but forward to the next Spring.

And true to Spring there is the odd bit of bright pink, yellow and some pale blues and whites coming through.

I love working on a quilt like this. It is simple from a cutting point of view, just squares, but you need to think about the arrangement of the patterns and colours and you need to lay out the entire quilt before it can be assembled as the piecing is done on the diagonal rather than row by row. This by the way, in case any of my students are reading this post, is a very good skill builder quilt still using the humble square but with a more advanced piecing techniques and with a bigger design challenge.

I might baste this beauty today but quilting will have to wait a while as I have a very busy week coming up.

Happy crafting everybody !


  1. the colours are wonderful bright and fresh, perfect to cheer up a grey wet November morning!

  2. This is a wonderful quilt! I LOVE the green! Those fussy cuts daisies are fabulous too! I look forward to seeing this one finished!

  3. Your colours make me smile too - love green and blue together.


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