Friday, 23 October 2015

Painted Hexagons - part 3 -

A little peak today. I now have over 20 hexagons and probably need about 40. I will sew until ALL the fabric is gone, determined to use every scrap of it. I cut the strips so that I have minimum waste and maximum usage.

This coming weekend I hope to produce a couple of sets more. I always sew or six hexagons together so that I have a bit of a production line going but this still takes a couple of hours (would you believe it) and I am not slow on the machine. Still I enjoy it and sew whenever I can set aside 3 hours, so this will take a while until it is completed.


Thank you for your comments! I love reading them and will answer every question you have on my projects. But I have a very busy daytime job and am therefore not able to thank each and every comment. Please don't be offended if I won't reply.