Sunday, 31 May 2015

A bit of pink for the Sofa

The other day I was looking at my coffee themed cushions that I made for my sofa last year and thought with the approaching Summer that it needed a bit more colour. I had a look at my stash and thought this wonderfully violent bright pink bird Echino print would be a good starting point.

I had half a meter which is just perfect for the larger of my 3 sofa dedicated sofa cushions. I just love how this pops. The other two smaller cushions are featuring complimentary colours and are bit more sedate. I used some of my precious Melody Miller stash and after some contemplation decided upon the flies and disc prints from way back.

 All cushions are fixed with a zip a the bottom so both cusion sides can be equally displayed.


As always I used fusible needlelfelt to give the cushions a bit more padding. This wonderful fabric is available at Macculoch & Wallis  and I can't recommend it highly enough for cushions, bags and anything that needs a bit of extra padding.

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