Friday, 11 April 2014

Liberty changing mat and blanket

You know I love making my foldable changing mats and when LP&Q asked me to make a Liberties inspired series of makes I couldn't wait to suggest a changing mat with matching blanket.

So in issue 7 that came out last week you can find out how to make both of them !

I wanted to make a duo that could be used for both girls and boys and you know how much I dislike gender polarisation by way of colour. Yes the quilt has a lot of blue but also a lot of girly flowers which I think is a creat combo.

I used a very soft denim as background colour and made a sweet heart from Liberty scraps.

And this is of course how it looks folded and ready to slip in the handbag, buggy, car ..... always ready for that emergency nappy change. 

 The baby blanket is simply made fromLiberty squares backed with a gorgeous navy super soft flannel.

 And here again folded and ready for a snuggle.


  1. stunning. I love both of these :-)

  2. I have marked this as a .. to do .. mind you no saying WHEN xx lol x well done x love the projects .. and the magazine xx

  3. This is a lovely little quilt - knowing what a dreadful mess babies can make, there's no way I would let a baby anywhere near this beauty!!!

  4. I love this and a friend of mine has meant me the magazine in which the pattern appeared. If I wanted to take the main heart pattern and transpose it into a double quilt how many pattern repeats would I need? (Fairly new to quilting). Thanks


Thank you for your comments! I love reading them and will answer every question you have on my projects. But I have a very busy daytime job and am therefore not able to thank each and every comment. Please don't be offended if I won't reply.