Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Love Patchwork and Quilting issue 4

A happy New Year to you all ! I hope you all got into 2014 safe and sound and with lots of good sewing intentions.

A few days ago the fourth edition of Love Patch & Quilting flattered into my house and it features another quilt of mine and an article I wrote on solids. To say that I am pleased would be an outrageous understatement....

Do you remember my Sketch quilt ?

When I finished it quite a few of you asked for a pattern and I was willing to do it but building works interfered and when the magazine came along I suggested to write a pattern for it by making a new version of the quilt.

The new version is a reminder of seaside colours and the quilt does give me a warm feeling when looking at it.

So if you are interested in making this beauty and I promise that it is not very complicated and actually a lot of fun then go an get edition 4 of the magazine.


  1. I saw! Bravo; I love knowing all the famous people, 2 Brit Bee in one edition xxx

  2. oh wow - I absolutely love this pattern and it is gorgeous in those blues :-)

  3. This is becoming my fav magazine .. and I dont mind saying to folks ... Oh! I "know" her xx well donee x

  4. Ooo.. I like it in blue! Lovely pattern.

  5. Congrats! Your quilts are beautiful! I'm a lover of solids as well! I just got a subscription to this magazine for Christmas so I can't wait for my first issue to arrive :-)

  6. Congrats on another published pattern. Whilst I can see the attraction of the seaside palette, I still prefer the original for it's warmth and variety of colour :)

  7. The magazine is the reason I'm here! Hopefully it's bought a few new readers to your blog and consequently your style. I'm a relative newbie who wants to do everything NOW, yes, NOW I tell you! :-) That causes me some stress but I'll calm down no doubt or maybe not - maybe I'll always feel this fervor to do projects; I've yet to decide if that's good or bad. I'm off gallivanting through your blog now to get more of a taster. Congratulations on getting into the mag again


Thank you for your comments! I love reading them and will answer every question you have on my projects. But I have a very busy daytime job and am therefore not able to thank each and every comment. Please don't be offended if I won't reply.