Monday, 15 July 2013

Fat Quaterly Retreat 2013 - photography workshop -

Much excitement is building up in London and in particular in my home in anticipation of the second Fat Quarterly retreat taking  place in South Kensington. Last year was a roaring success and I learned how to make portholes and English Paper piecing (see posts here for a review of 2012 and this post for my latest progress on the Hexagons ) and I met many wonderful people.

This year equal if not higher amounts of excitement are building up but this time mixed with a good dose of nerves as I am one of the teachers. I was asked by the Fat Quarterly team to teach a photography workshop given my background as a photographer. This also explains the lack of sewing progress over the past week or so on this blog as I have been spending many hours working on my presentation.

I will be holding two workshops, one longer and one shorter session. In both I will teach general technique in photography, lighting, compositions and some post processes tips including a selection technique to lift images from backgrounds. I am aiming at arming all workshop participants with some simple techniques and tips that hopefully will make everybody happier about their craft photography.

I am a little nervous about the structure of the workshops as they are rather different in set-up to the other classes because we are obviously not sewing. It is more like a presentation but I will try and make it as interactive as possible and we might even venture outside for a practical session in the longer workshop.

I hope everybody who signed up for it will have fun and hopefully will leave with a little more knowledge and confidence in photography.

There isn't anything in particular participants have to bring but if you have a craft item you have had trouble photographing in the past then bring it along and we will try and workout how to make it better.

Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have in advance of the workshop.

1 comment:

  1. fingers crossed .. once you start you will be fine x think of those of us who cant come and do an extra good turn xx


Thank you for your comments! I love reading them and will answer every question you have on my projects. But I have a very busy daytime job and am therefore not able to thank each and every comment. Please don't be offended if I won't reply.