Saturday, 27 July 2013

Fat Quarterly Retreat 2013

Yes I know the retreat is already over for almost  a week but when I came home last Saturday evening I needed a few days to breath and take stock and then work got hold of me with such brute force that there was no time for much else. But I did manage to cramp in two evening of joyful quilting which almost felt like a treat.

So how was it ?

It was great and again just as well organized as the last one. So well done to the FQ team for having done it again.


There were some differences this year for me though as I was one of the teachers and this meant a lot of preparation to do and a lot of nerves building up to the event. I basically fretted like a teenager for weeks before the retreat. I taught two sessions on Photography and was very aware that my classes were totally different to the rest of them, mainly because there was no sewing involved.

But in the end I think the classes were well received and I really enjoyed teaching them. In actual fact my teaching experience really was the highlight for me over the weekend although it was quite draining at the same time. But I think that was down to nerves.

There were some funny moments in the classes. The funniest of all was probably when I told the class that it is best to apply patience when waiting for the right weather and light rather than taking indoor shots. Somebody then commented that this might be difficult in the winter time if one lives near the arctic circle. I thought it was a joke and said something along the lines that that wouldn't happen only to find that one of my students lives in Norway near the Arctic Circle ! Well, needless to say I was silent for a moment and will improve my class notes to include life at the Arctic Circle.

I didn't take much classes this time around but enjoyed a couple of hours in Trudi's 'free motion class' and picked up some very handy tips for my ongoing and somewhat staling FQ project.

A nice cold beer after a day's work
Katie not happy about being snapped !
The other thing I enjoyed immensely was to hang out with friends and in particular the 'Brit Bee' ladies that I get to see so seldom these days. And I loved that I was able to just sit somewhere and take out my hand quilting project and just get on with it while having a chat to whoever came by the table where I sat. That was so relaxing.

I also wanted to take the opportunity to say a a heartfelt thank you to my students who attended my classes. Each and everyone of you made the experience really special and I hope I have given you some pointers on how to improve your photography (Take that camera of auto !!!).


  1. Fab review of the Retreat.
    I hope you will run your photographs class again as I'd love to get in next time.

  2. like what Liz said (but I need to get a real camera first!)

  3. It was so good to see you again, Judith. I fully expect you will be teaching again next year.

  4. Judith, I loved your class, and you did not seem nervous at all. Every time I have taken my camera out since, I think: what would Judith say? so it all worked too. I hope you teach some more class in future too.

  5. so glad you enjoyed it .. even if work was involved xx

  6. You hid your nerves well ! oops forgot the take it off auto thing but that might have been before I arrived - I'll try harder!

  7. Greetings from the polar circle! Thanks for a great class, Judith, I learned a lot. At the moment I could actually take your recommended morning-shots almost all night ;) Totally forgot to tell that I bought a huge daylights-lamp last winter: both for psychological and crafting reasons... I'll see how that works with the photo-taking!

  8. Great review of the Retreat and everyone I spoke to that had attended your class was raving about how much they'd got out of it!

  9. Love your photos Judith. I did laugh at your Arctic Circle story - now you can make your notes fully comprehensive!!

  10. I heard lots of good things about your class, wish I'd taken it now! Your low volume hexie quilt looked amazing, so glad I got to see it in real life.

    1. Oh gosh, comment above was me! My step father was signed in on my computer. Need to check log in details more carefully!

  11. I really enjoyed your table top session, I just need to find time and the right light to get some pictures taken! I did think about your tips and tricks when I took the pictures in this post:


Thank you for your comments! I love reading them and will answer every question you have on my projects. But I have a very busy daytime job and am therefore not able to thank each and every comment. Please don't be offended if I won't reply.