Sunday, 16 June 2013

Stash Note 81

Gosh has it really  be that long that I shared some new fabric with you ! Well although I did not have the opportunity to sew during much of the renovation in my house I did have opportunity to purchase fabric ! And in fact I had that opportunity in New York. I had the most wonderful 5 days in early May there with my sister. Proper sister time that we much enjoyed. We shopped, sat in cafes, went to restaurants and galleries and cycled almost the entire length of Manhattan. Before I flew out I purchased fabric at some of the online stores and had it all sent to the hotel. That way I saved quite a bit on postage and of course the nasty tax.

So without further ado. My I introduce Field Study in Linen by Anna-Maria Horner that I bought at Fabricworm.

In the top image from left to right we have Flower Circuit in Guava, Ghost Wing in Aqua, the most sumptuous and wonderfully named 'Parenthetical in Deep' and last the 'Domestic Cat in Aqua' - isn't that one a riot !

For some of these I had  planned to make the Study Hall Skirt which is also by Anna-Maria Horner.  I have had the pattern for ages but so far haven't found the energy to make a skirt although I absolutely love the pattern.
But I am not so sure now as they would also make a gorgeous quilt back and I have just the quilt top lying around here that is clamoring for something glamorous.

Have a lovely Sunday

1 comment:

  1. Love those fabrics. The colours are amazing and I bet they feel great in linen


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