Thursday, 6 June 2013

Sketch - inspiration struck

I got an e-mail the other day from a restaurant in London called 'Sketch'. They were advertising their Sunday offers. I have been to Sketch a couple of times over the years but have not seen all their dining rooms and as I had no intention of going there anytime soon, only halfheartedly scanned through the mail. And then it happened; inspiration struck like a flash of lightening when I got stuck on an accompanying photo of one of their dining rooms.

Photo credit 'Sketch' restaurant in London

Do you see why ? It's obvious isn't it ?

So I dove straight into my solids scrap bag which I had been eying beadily since I unearthed it from the loft anyway and pulled out every single strip I could find in their. I was like a woman possessed and a few hours later I had easily 5 meters worth of strips sewn together.

Then I went on to cutting white squares, luckily I had a 2 meter piece of almost white solid in my was last Sunday afternoon no shop would have been open to get me any white solid.

And I am still sewing.....


  1. I love when that kind of inspiration fabulous!!

  2. Looking forward to the outcome!

  3. That's one cool dining room! Love the eclectic mix! Jxo

  4. Will be very interested to see your quilty interpretation of the photo :)

  5. We should move the LMQG meets there!!!

  6. Love it when that happens!! Looks like a great restaurant x


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