Sunday 6 January 2013

Stash Note 72

Welcome to the first Stash Note of the year 2013 !

And it's a special one. This here is the wonderfully named 'Melody Sketch' in Tenuto by the Japanese designer Nani Iro that I bought at the Village Haberdashery. The fabric is double gauze. You might ask what is gauze ? Gauze fabric is used in bandages because of its extraofinday qualities but also in fine wire mash for example. It is lightweight and soft and is an open weave fabric that lets air through. When you touch it you will notice that it has  basically two layers that are interwoven.

I think the Japanese are the first who have started to use gauze in garment sewing and I think it is ideal to be worn in hot climates.  It is incredibly soft and surprisingly thick which intuitively makes you think that it is actually not good for hot climates. But the main advantage of the fabric is it's almost weightlessness and that it let's air through its layers thus providing an inbuilt air-condition so to say.  That makes is apparently ideal for hot and sticky climates.

The images of the fabric here are all taken after it was washed which makes another very clear advantage of this fabric apparent as it doesn't need any or, if you are fussy, very little ironing !

So I am going to put this fabric to the test by sewing myself a Tova that I will then take with me in holiday to a location that is hot and sticky !

Stay tuned !!


  1. the gauze will make a perfect Tova top!

  2. I'm loving Nani Iron gauze at the moment and think it will make the perfect Tova! Can't wait to see it :)


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