Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Hometown progress

The top is finally pieced. I won't lie. It wasn't enjoyable piecing. This quilt pattern is by no means difficult, complex yes but not difficult but I found the whole experience somehow tedious although the finished top looks fantastic.

I have a nagging feeling that my not so enjoyable quilting time may not be entirely down to the quilt pattern but more down to a massive quilt hangover from sewing frantically between October and December. So I have been gentle with myself and only pieced when I really felt up to it which is why the whole top took more than two weeks (and yes my upstairs studio was not cleaned the entire time...)

And here a glimpse of the quilt back. Although I absolutely love the Hometown collection and I would have easily had enough for another quilt I am determined to use it all on this quilt. So the quilt back will be pieced from Hometown too.

Previous posts regarding this quilt can be found here


  1. To me two weeks for this quilt top is not slow at all! It looks great so it was definitely worth the effort!

  2. sometimes you just have to listen to what you are feeling ... not what you feel you should be doing xx

  3. Gosh this really is beautiful, you have such a good eye.

  4. Yippee! I think we are all in a rut lately. It's that Jan. thing maybe;)

  5. Looks great so far J! Well done for pacing yourself!Jxo

  6. You do have an imaginative eye for colours and fabrics and your quilts always have the wow factor.

  7. Your hometown quilt is going to be beautiful


Thank you for your comments! I love reading them and will answer every question you have on my projects. But I have a very busy daytime job and am therefore not able to thank each and every comment. Please don't be offended if I won't reply.