Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Where does it all come from ?

The IT being my Inspiration.

Today I would like to share with you another source for my inspirations. Whenever I start a new quilt I usually describe in my blog post how and why I got to design this particular quilt. Sometimes it is inspired by another quilt and on other occasions triggered  by art (as in the Comet) or indeed by the everyday. Inspiration comes in many shapes and forms. In Spring this year I went to the David Hockney exhibition ' A bigger picture' at the RAC and was utterly blown away by the scale of beauty and colour. Hockney had taken over the entire gallery and filled it mostly with works from the last 10 years where he reinvented himself as a landscape painter, painting his native Yorkshire. I love every single painting he produced and when I left my head was buzzing with colour.

Very interesting was also his use of modern technology. He painted over fifty i-pad drawings documenting the arrival of Spring. They are absolutely fantastic and I find it very inspiring how a man of more than 80 engages with new technology.

If hope some of you have had the chance to see the exhibition. This was one of those lifetime events that won't come along twice. If you google the exhibition then you will find plenty of images of his paintings in case you missed the exhibition but there is also an excellent accompanying book still available.  

Whilst I am a creative person and a decent photographer I am most definitely no painter and my drawing is questionable at best. But what I took away from that exhibition was the desire to make something big in strong and rich colours and to fiddle around with my ipad !

A few days later I was having one of those moments where I was wishing myself away from it all and far away to a beautiful beach. I have been lucky enough over the past ten years to have been a couple of times to Zanzibar where there are magical beaches. I never felt the urge to take a colour photo of "my beach" because no photo can do it justice in my opinion. What is so beautiful and mesmerizing about this beach is that it is white and flat and when the tide is out the water retreats very far and you can walk towards it for what feels like forever. When I am there I experience no desire to do anything other than walk, sleep, read and eat. Trust me this is something very rare when it comes to me as I hardly ever stop. So I went about creating an image on my i-pad that reflects this perfect beach to me.

My plan is to make it into a quilt  at some point and put it on the wall opposite my bed where I can look at it and dream myself far away.

What are your sources for inspiration ?


  1. Wow, that's really cool. I'd love to see you make it into a quilt.

  2. This looks great! I've been to Andalusia this summer. There are a lot of old arabic buildings with beautiful tiling. I'm planning on a quilt with these vibrant colours and quilting in geometric pattern reminiscent to the tiles.

  3. I think that picture as a quilt would be beautiful - I would like to think I was influenced by such wonderful things, but in reality I never quite put the two together x

  4. I love your picture, although I want to turn it over so I am looking from the land to the water - interesting impression I thought. I am off to check out your artist. I think you should book a airline ticket soon.

  5. That will make an amazing quilt wall-hanging. I love your inspiration story. I get inspired by all sorts of things - I'm still learning and like seeing new techniques and then thinking of different ways that I could use them! That beach sounds amazing...I wish I could go there! Sx


Thank you for your comments! I love reading them and will answer every question you have on my projects. But I have a very busy daytime job and am therefore not able to thank each and every comment. Please don't be offended if I won't reply.