Sunday, 8 July 2012

Stash Note 59

It's Sunday and raining and I am of to my wonderful LMQG meeting in a few hours. But first I thought I share with you a few fabric pieces that arrived in my house last week.

I have stumbled across a new to me online fabric store called Frumble (great name !) that has a very good  selection and website where I bought these beauties here.

From left to right these are Caligraph paper in grey and black, McCalls Dress Maker Pattern and best of all, Chicken Soup in red.

And then I also bought a jelly role of Lucy's crab shack at the Eclectic Maker that I have in fact already started to make into a wonderful little quilt.


  1. How strange, I just remembered Frumble this morning.
    I love the Chicken Soup fabric.
    And another :drool: over your jelly roll.

  2. I was only looking at their website yesterday and ordered the same two graph papers! It's a little treasure trove!

  3. Oh dear.... more fabric I've just *got* to have.... lol


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