Sunday, 25 March 2012

Stash Note 50

I thought I make today's stash note about spring and show you fabric added to my stash over the past weeks that are all about daisies (or similar flowers).

First of some utterly gorgeous and precious Yuwa Suzuko Koseki fabric from the aptly name 'Daisies' collection. These were bought at Blike Olifantje who is fast becoming a favorite etsy store of mine.

Next are beautiful cornflowers from Dena Design's collection Somerset bought at Backstitch here in the UK;

Third is an absolute daisy bargain from the V&A online shop, though they are now sold out on these particular ones.

And lastly this wonderful red and white print that I actually bought when I was in holiday on St. Lucia in January in a shop in the capital.


  1. lovelly bouquet of flowers... the V & A do have another daisy flower... a stripe that is VERY tempting !! lol x

  2. I hope you bought lots of that red white daisy print. It would make the best backing on a quilt


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