Friday, 17 June 2011


Last year when I went to the Quilt Festival in Birmingham I bought a charms pack from the 'Freebird' collection from Moda not knowing really what to do with it. Those little squares were laying in my house forever giving me a hard time. I felt they were staring at me accusatory that I wasn't doing anything productive with them. So I thought I lay them out and have a look and then .........I packed them away again and so on.

The other day I gave myself a kick and lay them out again. Just before I thought of binning the whole lot I added some Kona white and then it started to look a bit more promising. Phew..... I hate when I am lacking any kind of inspiration. Hopefully this will take me somewhere creative after all. It's Friday morning and this has been an awful week, really. I can't wait for tonight and the beginning of a creative weekend. I have to finish the Brit Swap quilt and the 'Laugh and Happiness' quilt for my mother. As they say no rest for the wicked.

Happy sewing everybody.


  1. I'm with you on the crappy week! Early start to the creativeness for me tonight! Liking the look of this quilt too :)

  2. I love Freebird - especially those blenders - I had a layer cake and it was going to be hexagon park until I managed to get my mitts on some Sherbet Pips for it!

  3. Oh love that fabric. Does it come in a Jelly Roll? It's exactly what I'm looking for but I'm finding it hard to source jelly rolls from here. Jxo

  4. Freebird, ah heaven! Have fun:)

  5. I really like the Freebird, actually think I like most Momo! Cant wait to see what you come up with for it (I used some for a bag at christmas)

  6. We have my Freebird on the sofa to use everyday - I used a wide strip of the big print yardage on the back, and I still love seeing it.


Thank you for your comments! I love reading them and will answer every question you have on my projects. But I have a very busy daytime job and am therefore not able to thank each and every comment. Please don't be offended if I won't reply.