Sunday, 15 May 2011

And the winner is ..........


more drumroll...

followed by....

No 261 !

who is Paula. I believe Paula is from Lisbon in Portugal and will holiday at home this year owing to the fact that they bought a new house. 
Paula, I will sent you a mail now to confirm. Please respond with your postal address.

I want to thank everybody who joined in. I am so grateful for your support and tried to sent a little note to everybody who commented but inevitable I forgot the odd one as I was a little overwhelmed (in the best possible way)  by the response.
It was really interesting to read all the holiday plans. They varied from staycations to trips to Asia, pre-wedding honeymoons (great idea I think), visiting family, travelling around the US and dreams of travelling with the Orient express (I have that dream too and it will remain one unless I win the lottery) to short trips. The most envious I am of are those of you who are lucky enough to be the  Quilt Market in Salt Lake City. That is the perfect holiday !


  1. Yes, congratulations to Paula!!! and Happy 1st Quilting Birthday to you Judith, may there be many more and a trip on the OE too!

  2. Congratulations, lucky girl!

  3. Congrats Paula - enjoy your fabric!

  4. Congratulations to Paula!


Thank you for your comments! I love reading them and will answer every question you have on my projects. But I have a very busy daytime job and am therefore not able to thank each and every comment. Please don't be offended if I won't reply.