Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Single girl Quilt along

The lovely Kate, Nova and Megan are organizing this super Quilt Along where we will be creating a quilt from Denyse Schmidt's Single girl quilt pattern. Am I in ? Of course I am. This I suspect is one hell of a b***** to quilt and to have a support group is just fantastic.

Thank you ladies for organsing this.
Full details can be seen here, here or here and of course if you click the button on my blog that will take you to the Single Girl flickr group.

1 comment:

  1. I hear you are using the Hurricane bundle... I look forward to seeing the quilt progress!



Thank you for your comments! I love reading them and will answer every question you have on my projects. But I have a very busy daytime job and am therefore not able to thank each and every comment. Please don't be offended if I won't reply.