Sunday, 21 November 2010

Cranberry Crush

The trouble with Winter is that I don't have enough daylight hours during the week to take photos of my fabric, Quilts of those that are "work in progress" and the weekends always seem to be to short.
Which means I can't really update the blog much during the week as nobody wants to read an essay without pretty pictures. But I have a cunning plan and haven taken lots of images today in the freezing back garden so I can use them during the week to update the blog (really should have thought about it earlier....) 

I have been busy working on several fronts as I have about 3 project I am working on at the same time. But for now it's a progress report on the Innocent Crush quilt that I actually have renamed to Cranberry Crush owing to the lovely cranberry shot cotton I am using as a solid with this quilts.

So far I have finished 3 rows of the Zick Zack design and another 2, perhaps 3 are to come. Hopefully by the end of the week the top will be finished.

I do love the design and colours and I think it is quite autumnal with a hint of Christmas to come !
I ordered even more of the Cranberry Cotton from Oakshott Fabrics  as I also want to use it for the back. I based this design on Denyse Schmidt's "Big Zip" Quilt from her book "Quilts".

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